Monday 11 November 2013

so daniel knows that I sort of like him. im scared conversations with him are now going to be awkward as fuck. and i hope that he's not weirded out. like, i would freak out if some boring little asian chick liked me.. wait no thats not the right comparison. of course i would be weirded out, i aint lesbian ya know. you know what i mean. anyway im just so glad i installed whatsapp. he's made me happy. even though our conversation wasnt proper since he barely replied or seem interested in me, im still happy. at least we spoke. its been so long, a whole fucking month. I want to ask him if he wants to meet in december. maybe just a hello, so that its not awkward. just a hello and bye or whatever. Im quite nervous. I dont want to ask and then change my mind. I'll think about this long and hard. but yay  I can sleep at night now, no more staying up til 3am thinking about daniel and missing him.