Monday 28 January 2013

I find that when I'm happy, I'm more energetic and confident. Like, I remember the day (or should I say a few hours) after I talked to Dav#e/Oliv#er, I was soooo confident. I had long conversations with people, asked them how they were and spoke really loudly. Funny thing was that I only had 4 hours sleep too, yet I felt so alive! My chest also ached that day too because of my many mini heart attacks that night. I also feel really motivated to do homework when I think of O.. I dont like him or anything, I 'm so confused. I dont know whats happening and why the thought of him is motivating me. I randomly laugh when I remember something in our conversations too, while I'm serving people!!! Its weird. Its not like I dont talk to guys and have good moments lmfao with them. I bet his not even how I'm imagining him BUT WHATEVER thank u anyhow. I just wish there is something (that LASTS) that can motivate me.. a.k.a future lover WHERE the FUCK ARE YOU