Wednesday, 8 April 2015

What's really strange is that I feel so sad but then I don't care anymore. Am I afraid to lose him or not? Does breaking up with justin even matter to me? I think I'll be devastated, yes, but I know we'll break up eventually. There are things that prove we're incompatible. Habits he has which I dislike. And then there's the thought that there are so many girls out there for him who are way better than me. I'm actually not good at all. I'm very suited to death. I just can't wait for the day where everything that makes me sad is gone. And I'm probably just in a IDC mood because justin wants to talk to me and I'm ignoring him. It's for the best. I need him to know that seeing him angry at me makes me really sad. I don't like to be treated as if I'm annoying. But idk I do love him. Ugh idk what I'm saying anymore