Saturday, 5 April 2014
It's holidays! And I'm so happy. I feel a sense of joy and relief. I'm relaxed with little worry. I have two weeks to do homework.. That should be plenty. Plus I haven't got much anyways but should still do extra... Possibly ;) ahhh this feels so good. And when I finish some homework, I will feel like I've achieved something because no. I didn't need to do homework today but I took initiative and did it! One out of the way. I shall do methods today and finish it all so I can just practice my past chapters later on. Sighhh this is just wonderful. Oh btw I talked to a guy with the cutest voice yesterday. So hot. Like all the guys I've ever talked to; Daniel, Tom, Loc, Alex and one-time randoms, nicks voice is just amazing. It's not too deep, it's soothing somehow and makes me feel comfortable. Ahh I like guys too easily.