Thursday, 1 August 2013

when I leave school, I'll be independent and I'll move out. I won't talk to anybody from my family. Thats what I'll do. They all look down on me and think the worse of me. They all talk about me behind my back, even my cousin who I thought would understand me the most. Everyone thinks I'm the dumbest.. I guess I am because I don't try and I cant be fucked to prove them wrong. Does every single kid have to be a fucking nerd (I mean, I may look a bit nerdy.. but I'm more of a geek) and get 90+ atars? FUCK. I'll do just fine with an atar of 70-80.   They don't even know how it feels to be the underdog in every fucking situation. and who fucking cares if i swear anyways? it means nothing. just an extreme vocal expression of my feelings. its not like i mean it literally. things these fuckers won't ever understand...