Thursday, 13 June 2013
The Gat
I did the gat today.. it was horrible. everyone said there was nothing to worry about but noooooo there was indeed a lot to worry about. firstly, i skipped the whole fucking second piece of writing lmfao!!!! didnt have enough time. i also skipped all the multiple choice questions about arts/humanities/social sciences. all i did was the first essay about radio (i couldnt work out whether it was "the radio" or just simply "radio") and all the maths and science questions. i thought it would be a good idea to do them first since i do further maths but yeah... i still might get like 5 for the humanities bit if i'm lucky and possibly 20 for english. -.- i dont think i even did well on the radio bit. i was all over the place, couldnt think straight AND MY FUCKING PEN STOPPED WORKING.